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Keren is the second lar­gest city in Eri­trea and is loca­ted appro­xi­m­ate­ly 80 km from the capi­tal Asma­ra in the pro­vin­ce of Anse­ba. ARCHEMED has alre­a­dy hel­ped to set up a small neo­na­tal care unit in the local refe­rence hos­pi­tal in 2010 and has been sup­port­ing this pro­ject ever sin­ce by trai­ning nur­ses and doc­tors and impro­ving infra­struc­tu­re, such as the sup­p­ly of elec­tri­ci­ty and water.

At the same time, plans were deve­lo­ped to com­bi­ne the care of pre­ma­tu­re and sick new­borns with obste­trics under one roof. The idea of a ‘peri­na­to­lo­gy cent­re’ was born. In 2012, the Eri­tre­an Minis­ter of Health hers­elf laid the foun­da­ti­on stone for the con­s­truc­tion of a lar­ge new mother-and-child cli­nic, which was final­ly han­ded over to the Eri­tre­ans and put into ope­ra­ti­on in Decem­ber 2022 after more than 12 years of con­s­truc­tion.

Archemed Perinatology Keren Premature baby
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The Keren Peri­na­tal Cent­re offers pregnant women the oppor­tu­ni­ty to give birth safe­ly and, if neces­sa­ry, pro­vi­des imme­dia­te and appro­pria­te inten­si­ve medi­cal care for sick new­borns or pre­ma­tu­re babies. This mother-and-child cli­nic, with its clo­se pro­xi­mi­ty to obste­trics and neo­na­tal medi­ci­ne, is uni­que in Eri­trea, a coun­try whe­re most births still take place at home. More than 3,000 pregnant women can give birth here every year, with the opti­on of an emer­gen­cy caesare­an sec­tion available around the clock thanks to a dedi­ca­ted caesare­an sec­tion ope­ra­ting theat­re. The neo­na­tal ward has 30 tre­at­ment places for pre­ma­tu­re and new­born babies. Sick babies who come from out­side are also trea­ted here. In the event of an infec­tion, the­re is an iso­la­ti­on room to pre­vent the risk of infec­tion.

The ARCHEMED team con­sists of paed­ia­tri­ci­ans, paed­ia­tric nur­ses, obste­tri­ci­ans and mid­wi­ves. The two-week assign­ments take place at least twice a year in order to com­mu­ni­ca­te the idea of inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry care for pregnant women and new­borns in the best pos­si­ble way. ARCHEMED trains and sup­ports local teams in obste­trics, neo­na­to­lo­gy and anaes­the­sia in deve­lo­ping their col­la­bo­ra­ti­on around the birth. Cross-team con­fe­ren­ces, case dis­cus­sions and joint emer­gen­cy drills are important com­pon­ents of this inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry care con­cept, which is new in Eri­trea. In addi­ti­on, we are working with all three spe­cia­list depart­ments to impro­ve their medi­cal equip­ment and ensu­re that the devices are used cor­rect­ly. A medi­cal tech­ni­ci­an regu­lar­ly accom­pa­nies the medi­cal teams on their mis­si­ons to train the Eri­tre­an staff in the main­ten­an­ce and care of the modern equip­ment.

The clo­se sup­port and trai­ning of our Eri­tre­an col­le­agues in the new cli­nic was plan­ned for two years and will initi­al­ly come to an end in Novem­ber 2024. Spe­cial trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on in the field of neo­na­tal medi­ci­ne and obste­trics are fol­low-up pro­jects that we will offer at the request of the Eri­tre­ans and in con­sul­ta­ti­on with them.

Pro­ject manage­ment


Dr Mat­thi­as Röb­belen, paed­ia­tri­ci­an, Schli­en­gen


Dr Hei­ner Höl­ting, gynae­co­lo­gist and obste­tri­ci­an, War­stein

Ope­ra­ti­on reports