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The paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care unit (PICU) in Asma­ra has been sup­port­ed and super­vi­sed twice a year sin­ce 2015 by an ARCHEMED team con­sis­ting of paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care nur­ses and, sin­ce 2018, a paed­ia­tric car­dio­lo­gist. Sin­ce the paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care unit did not meet the medi­cal, tech­ni­cal and hygie­nic requi­re­ments that must be met by such a sen­si­ti­ve unit, we deci­ded tog­e­ther with the Eri­tre­an aut­ho­ri­ties to reno­va­te it from the ground up.
In 2023, the new paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care unit (PICU) was put into ope­ra­ti­on. In spa­cious and tech­ni­cal­ly func­tion­al rooms, 12 young pati­ents can now recei­ve inten­si­ve medi­cal care, and the­re is also an iso­la­ti­on room for child­ren with infec­tious dise­a­ses. The sup­p­ly of water and elec­tri­ci­ty is gua­ran­teed throug­hout. The avai­la­bi­li­ty of oxy­gen and com­pres­sed air means that, for the first time, the con­di­ti­ons are in place for respi­ra­to­ry the­ra­py in child­ren bey­ond the pre­ma­tu­re and neo­na­tal age.

Archemed PICU Asmara
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Tog­e­ther with the Eri­tre­an nur­ses and doc­tors, stan­dards for nur­sing, dia­gno­stic and the­ra­peu­tic care are being deve­lo­ped and con­ti­nuous­ly updated. All nur­ses, doc­tors and new employees recei­ve trai­ning in the use of the new equip­ment. During their assign­ments, trai­ning is pro­vi­ded on hygie­ne and infec­tion pro­phy­la­xis, infu­si­on the­ra­py, etc., as is also the case in Ger­man inten­si­ve care units. The doc­tors in trai­ning are being taught how to use ultra­sound dia­gno­stics and how to eva­lua­te ultra­sound images.

The next goal is to use high-flow respi­ra­tors.

Pro­ject manage­ment

Dr Karl Robert Schirm­er, paed­ia­tric car­dio­lo­gist, Ham­burg