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Child­hood can­cers are more com­mon in low-inco­me count­ries than in high-inco­me count­ries. More than 80% of the world’s child­ren live in count­ries with a medi­um to low stan­dard of living. In Eri­trea, more than 500 cases of child­hood can­cer are expec­ted each year. Not a sin­gle child can curr­ent­ly be trea­ted in Eri­trea. All child­ren die. The­re is no pal­lia­ti­ve care to help child­ren and young peo­p­le die free of pain and with digni­ty.
In a few count­ries in sub-Saha­ran Afri­ca, initi­al pro­gram­mes for the tre­at­ment of indi­vi­du­al onco­lo­gi­cal dise­a­ses have been imple­men­ted. The­se pro­to­cols are alre­a­dy being imple­men­ted very suc­cessful­ly in count­ries such as Mala­wi, Kenya, Gha­na and Sudan. In coope­ra­ti­on with the working group for Paed­ia­tric Onco­lo­gy in Deve­lo­ping Count­ries (PODC) and the Inter­na­tio­nal Socie­ty for Paed­ia­tric Onco­lo­gy (SIOP), ARCHEMED will imple­ment initi­al pro­gram­mes to com­bat can­cer in Eri­trea.

Archemed Paediatric Oncology
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The paed­ia­tric can­cer pro­gram­me in Eri­trea has three objec­ti­ves for the next few years:

  1. Reno­vat­ing and ope­ning a ward in the children’s hos­pi­tal built by the Ita­li­an colo­nia­lists. Work on this has alre­a­dy begun in spring 2016, and the inau­gu­ra­ti­on will take place in spring 2025.
  2. Trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on of doc­tors and nur­sing staff to enable them to work inde­pendent­ly on site in the long term. The tre­at­ment of onco­lo­gi­cal pati­ents allows no delay. The­re are defi­ned the­ra­py pro­to­cols accor­ding to which can­cers can be trea­ted. The estab­lish­ment and inde­pen­dent imple­men­ta­ti­on of the first pro­to­cols will be pos­si­ble after some time.
  3. The tre­at­ment of initi­al­ly two can­cers in child­ren and ado­le­s­cents will begin. The­se were sel­ec­ted becau­se they are dise­a­ses that are very cura­ble. The can­cers are cal­led Wilms’ tumour and Hodgkin’s lym­pho­ma; it is expec­ted that initi­al­ly up to 20 affec­ted child­ren per year can be trea­ted. Tre­at­ment pro­to­cols alre­a­dy exist through SIOP and PODC. The­se must be careful­ly adapt­ed for Eri­trea tog­e­ther with the col­le­agues working the­re.

Pro­ject manage­ment

Prof. Dr. Uta Dirk­sen, paed­ia­tric onco­lo­gist, Essen

Ope­ra­ti­on reports