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Archemed Projekt Projektländer Kinder

Our pro­jects

The more pre­cis­e­ly a deve­lo­p­ment pro­ject is mana­ged, the more relia­bly it will achie­ve the desi­red effect. We defi­ne a pro­ject as

  • acu­te or plan­ned sur­gi­cal and con­ser­va­ti­ve tre­at­ment in the various paed­ia­tric disci­pli­nes
  • the sup­port and moni­to­ring of exis­ting obste­tric, neo­na­tal and pre­ma­tu­re infant medi­cal faci­li­ties in terms of the medi­cal care of mothers and new­borns
  • a con­s­truc­tion pro­ject as defi­ned in the sta­tu­tes
  • the equip­ping, reno­va­ti­on and refur­bish­ment of the faci­li­ties we sup­port, inclu­ding the main­ten­an­ce of equip­ment
  • an insti­tu­ti­on or orga­ni­sa­ti­on that we sup­port local­ly, e.g. through dona­ti­ons in kind or cash dona­ti­ons
  • medi­cal aid deli­veries to war and cri­sis zones.

ARCHEMED is now rea­li­sing around 25 dif­fe­rent pro­jects, most of them in Eri­trea. Sin­ce 2021, indi­vi­du­al mea­su­res have also been added in Alba­nia, Afgha­ni­stan, Tan­z­a­nia, Ukrai­ne and Bhu­tan.

Archemed World Map Locations Projects
Archemed Project Ukraine
Archemed Project Albania
Archemed Project Afghanistan
Archemed Project Buthan
Archemed Project Tanzania
Archemed Project Eritrea

Our coun­try focus

Social projects Eritrea

Sur­gery Eri­trea

Paed­ia­tric heart sur­gery

Our inter­na­tio­nal ope­ra­ti­on cent­re for child­ren, the IOC­CA, has exis­ted in the capi­tal Asma­ra sin­ce 2002. It was con­cei­ved by Dr Andre­as Urban, the for­mer direc­tor of the Ger­man Children’s Heart Cent­re in Sankt Augus­tin.

Paed­ia­tric neu­ro­sur­gery

Paed­ia­tric neu­ro­sur­gery deals with all dise­a­ses of the cen­tral and peri­phe­ral ner­vous sys­tem in child­ren. The paed­ia­tric neu­ro­sur­gi­cal team is on call in Asma­ra once or twice a year.

Paed­ia­tric ortho­pae­dics

The POCA (Paed­ia­tric Ortho­pae­dic Cent­re of Asma­ra) is to be set up at the Orot­ta Hos­pi­tal in Asma­ra: a place for child­ren with disa­bi­li­ties of all kinds to go for help. In par­ti­cu­lar, child­ren with phy­si­cal and men­tal disa­bi­li­ties are to be admit­ted the­re in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the social paed­ia­trics pro­ject.

Paed­ia­tric gene­ral sur­gery

Wit­hout the help of inter­na­tio­nal teams, the­re would be no spe­cia­li­sed paed­ia­tric sur­gi­cal care in Eri­trea. That is why three paed­ia­tric sur­gi­cal teams from ARCHEMED tra­vel to Asma­ra at regu­lar inter­vals to clo­se this gap in care.

Paed­ia­tric uro­lo­gy

During our mis­si­ons, we use scree­nings to deter­mi­ne whe­ther child­ren should recei­ve con­ser­va­ti­ve or sur­gi­cal tre­at­ment. Abo­ve all, we per­form pro­ce­du­res that were pre­vious­ly unavailable due to a lack of spe­cia­li­sed doc­tors.

Oral and maxillofacial sur­gery

An expert in oral and maxillofacial sur­gery usual­ly tra­vels to Eri­trea with the ENT team twice a year for ARCHEMED to tre­at pati­ents with cleft lip and pala­te.


The­re is only one eye cli­nic in Eri­trea, with a total of three oph­thal­mo­lo­gists. The ARCHEMED mis­si­ons focus on trea­ting child­ren with stra­bis­mus.

Ear, nose and throat medi­ci­ne

Ear, nose and throat medi­ci­ne is part of pri­ma­ry health care and with the new ENT cli­nic in Asma­ra, which has been in ope­ra­ti­on sin­ce 2019, it is a pro­ject in the spec­trum of ARCHEMED. The cli­nic is equip­ped with the most modern dia­gno­stic equip­ment and an ope­ra­ting cent­re.

Social projects Eritrea

Paed­ia­trics and obste­trics Eri­trea

Neo­na­tal and pre­ma­tu­re infant medi­ci­ne Asma­ra

The ward for pre­ma­tu­re babies and sick new­borns in Asma­ra has exis­ted sin­ce 2002 and has been super­vi­sed and sup­port­ed by two ARCHEMED teams seve­ral times a year sin­ce the orga­ni­sa­ti­on was foun­ded in 2010.

Paed­ia­tric onco­lo­gy

In coope­ra­ti­on with the Working Group on Paed­ia­tric Onco­lo­gy in Emer­ging Count­ries and the Inter­na­tio­nal Socie­ty for Paed­ia­tric Onco­lo­gy, ARCHEMED will imple­ment initi­al pro­gram­mes to com­bat can­cer in Eri­trea.

Obste­trics and Peri­na­tal Medi­ci­ne Keren

In 2010, ARCHEMED hel­ped to set up a neo­na­tal care unit in the refe­rence hos­pi­tal and has been sup­port­ing this pro­ject ever sin­ce by trai­ning nur­ses and doc­tors and impro­ving the infra­struc­tu­re.

Obste­trics and Peri­na­tal Medi­ci­ne Men­de­fera

In many mis­si­ons, ARCHEMED has set up three inten­si­ve care pati­ent rooms, a sto­rage room and two deli­very rooms and equip­ped them with medi­cal sup­pli­es, as well as signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ving the sup­p­ly of elec­tri­ci­ty and water.

Social paed­ia­trics

The Eri­tre­an self-help orga­ni­sa­ti­on NAID­DE admi­ra­b­ly takes on the task of sup­port­ing the­se fami­lies and is a stro­ke of luck as our part­ner in the social paed­ia­trics pro­ject and a model part­ner for sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment coope­ra­ti­on.

Social projects Eritrea

Tech­no­lo­gy and infra­struc­tu­re Eri­trea

Reno­va­ti­on of the Asma­ra burns unit

In Eri­trea, burn vic­tims are trea­ted at the Hali­bet Hos­pi­tal in Asma­ra. Sin­ce 2000, the hos­pi­tal has been home to a spe­cia­li­sed care cent­re with a gene­rous­ly sized ope­ra­ting theat­re and a ward for around 20 pati­ents. ARCHEMED sup­ports the burns cli­nic in Asma­ra.

Reno­va­ti­on of the neo­na­tal unit in Asma­ra

The lar­gest and most important neo­na­tal and pre­ma­tu­re infant care unit in Eri­trea, loca­ted in the capi­tal Asma­ra, tre­ats up to 1,800 cri­ti­cal­ly ill new­borns every year. From Decem­ber 2024, num­e­rous ARCHEMED trade­speo­p­le will work with their Eri­tre­an col­le­agues to reno­va­te the inte­ri­or.

Social projects Eritrea

Social pro­jects Eri­trea

Don­keys and goats for sin­gle mothers

Live­stock are essen­ti­al for food secu­ri­ty and for redu­cing pover­ty in deve­lo­ping count­ries. ARCHEMED dona­tes don­keys and goats to par­ti­cu­lar­ly nee­dy house­holds.

FGM – Fema­le Geni­tal Muti­la­ti­on

In 2015, ARCHEMED laun­ched the first pro­ject against fema­le geni­tal muti­la­ti­on. Sin­ce then, the pro­ject has been con­ti­nuous­ly car­ri­ed out with at least two mis­si­ons per year until the coro­na break and the death of the Eri­tre­an pro­ject part­ner in 2023.

Surgery Tanzania

Sur­gery Tan­z­a­nia

Support Afghanistan

Sup­port Afgha­ni­stan

Mother-child health cent­re

We have been sup­port­ing child­ren in Afgha­ni­stan sin­ce Novem­ber 2021. Despi­te a cer­tain degree of sta­bi­li­sa­ti­on in urban are­as, the health­ca­re sys­tem in Afgha­ni­stan remains dys­func­tion­al in rural are­as and is in urgent need of sup­port from inter­na­tio­nal donors.

Support Ukraine

Sup­port Ukrai­ne

Aid deli­veries to Ukrai­ne

Sin­ce Russia’s war of aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne in Febru­ary 2022, ARCHEMED has been regu­lar­ly sup­port­ing various children’s hos­pi­tals in Lviv, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Zapo­rizhz­hia with medi­ci­nes and con­su­ma­bles.

Paediatrics Albania

Paed­ia­trics Bhu­tan

Neo­na­tal medi­ci­ne in Bhu­tan

A first explo­ra­to­ry trip in March 2023 and many con­s­truc­ti­ve dis­cus­sions and con­side­ra­ti­ons with the seni­or doc­tors and respon­si­ble poli­ti­ci­ans on site were fol­lo­wed a year later by a fur­ther trip to Bhu­tan.

Paed­ia­tric Uro­lo­gy Bhu­tan

The paed­ia­tric uro­lo­gy pro­ject in Bhutan’s capi­tal Thim­phu aims to impro­ve medi­cal care for child­ren with uro­lo­gi­cal dise­a­ses.

Paediatrics Albania

Paed­ia­trics Alba­nia

Neo­na­to­lo­gy Shko­dra

Trai­ning for doc­tors and nur­sing staff, as well as a neo­na­tal spe­cia­li­sa­ti­on and fur­ther trai­ning pro­gram­me, should help to signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ve the care situa­ti­on in the north of the coun­try.

Completed projects

Com­ple­ted pro­jects

Con­s­truc­tion of the new mother-and-child cli­nic in Keren

It was the wish of the Eri­tre­an Minis­ter of Health to estab­lish a high-qua­­li­­ty medi­cal care unit for women giving birth and for the tre­at­ment of pre­ma­tu­re and sick new­borns under one roof in rural are­as of Eri­trea as well.

Doroq pri­ma­ry school

We sup­port­ed the pri­ma­ry school in this vil­la­ge as a thank you for a local TV pro­duc­tion. During our visit, we han­ded over the first lar­ge batch of school sup­pli­es.

A sel­ec­tion of our pro­jects