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Mem­bers’ mee­ting

The Gene­ral Assem­bly con­sists of all mem­bers of the asso­cia­ti­on and is the association’s supre­me decis­i­on-making body. As of 31 Decem­ber 2023, ARCHEMED has 1365 voting mem­bers who joint­ly sup­port and advan­ce our goals and pro­jects.

It meets at least once a year and elects the mem­bers of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board for a term of two years and the cash audi­tors and the audi­tor for a term of one year. The Annu­al Gene­ral Mee­ting appro­ves the actions of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board and deci­des, for exam­p­le, on amend­ments to the Artic­les of Asso­cia­ti­on.