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News about the orga­ni­sa­ti­on

Neo­na­tal Inten­si­ve Care Medi­ci­ne Bhu­tan

The six-week assign­ment of neo­na­to­lo­gist Anto­nia Bar­tetz­ko mark­ed the offi­ci­al start of the GZI’s ‘Hos­pi­tal Part­ner­ships’ pro­gram­me bet­ween the Cha­ri­té Ber­lin and the Refer­ral Hos­pi­tal in Thim­phu, Bhu­tan.

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Reno­va­ti­on of the burns cli­nic

The reno­va­ti­on of the lar­ge cli­nic for burns pati­ents in Asma­ra is very clo­se to our hearts and has made good pro­gress thanks to the efforts of the ele­ven-strong con­s­truc­tion team led by gra­dua­te engi­neer Timm Mit­zen­heim. A defec­ti­ve roof had cau­sed mould to form…

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