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Archemed Ehrenamt


We are con­stant­ly working to keep our expen­ses as low as pos­si­ble. Of our more than 1,000 mem­bers, around 250 work for ARCHEMED on a vol­un­t­a­ry basis, most of them in pro­gram­me work abroad. Almost 300 trips are orga­nis­ed each year, of which around two thirds are purely medi­cal and one third are in the infra­struc­tu­re sec­tor. In total, this amounts to almost 3,000 days of work in the part­ner coun­try in one year.

All assign­ments are car­ri­ed out wit­hout remu­ne­ra­ti­on for the spe­cia­lists; ARCHEMED only bears the tra­vel and insu­rance cos­ts. A high pro­por­ti­on of the­se vol­un­teers also sacri­fice part of their holi­day for their vol­un­t­a­ry work. Remu­ne­ra­ti­on is only paid for ser­vices that requi­re spe­cial lia­bi­li­ty, e.g. the main­ten­an­ce of oxy­gen sys­tems and anaes­the­sia machi­nes.