The non-profit organisation ARCHEMED – Doctors for Children in Need was founded in 2010 in Soest, Westphalia. The aim of the organisation, as set out in its statutes, is to provide medical and humanitarian aid to children in crisis areas around the world. This primarily includes the following measures:
the secondment of highly qualified specialists in the various disciplines for the surgical and conservative treatment of children
the continuous training and further education of local specialists
die Unterstützung und der Aufbau von Neugeborenenversorgung und Geburtshilfe durch Teaching und technische Ausstattung
supporting and developing neonatal care and obstetrics through teaching and technical equipment
demand-oriented delivery of relief supplies to war and crisis zones
Around 250 doctors, nurses, midwives, therapists , craftsmen and technicians travel to the project countries once or twice a year in their free time to carry out these measures. Working together with medical and technical personnel is an important part of our work to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of our projects.
Priority country Eritrea
The priority country of ARCHEMED is Eritrea: in the capital Asmara and three other locations in the country, the association supports almost 20 different medical and technical projects. Our main concern is the so-called perinatology, i.e. the health care of pregnant women shortly before and after the birth with the subsequent care of the newborn or premature infants. Our goal is to further reduce the mortality rate of mothers and children. We run a modern operation centre for children in Asmara (International Operation Center for Children in Asmara IOCCA), where 500–600 operations are performed on children every year, including more than 100 heart operations.

Other project countries: Albania, Tanzania, Bhutan
In 2021, ARCHEMED decided to become involved in other project countries as well. By spreading our projects across several countries, we minimise the risk of current problems in one country jeopardising the overall work. By diversifying our measures, we avoid dependencies and remain capable of acting.
In Tanzania, children with severe burns, orthopaedic deformities and general surgical conditions are treated in Tosamaganga (Iringa District) and now have the chance of a normal life again.
In Albania, we have initiated a new neonatology project that ensures the care of expectant mothers and their premature and newborn babies, even in the country’s periphery.
In Bhutan, ARCHEMED has also launched a project to improve neonatal and newborn care in 2024 after several years of preparation. We are also preparing a project to train local specialist staff in paediatric surgery, which is expected to start in 2025.
Deliveries of relief supplies
Since 2021, deliveries of relief supplies to Afghanistan and, since 2022, to Ukraine have been a central part of our humanitarian work. With regular shipments of medicines, consumables and medical technology, we provide indispensable support for people in war and crisis zones – even when we ourselves cannot be on the ground. The key to success lies in close consultation with local project partners, who keep us informed of current needs in the crisis country and ensure that our customised aid package reaches those who urgently require it.