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Archemed in Eritrea mit Senta Berger und Kindern


The non-pro­fit orga­ni­sa­ti­on ARCHEMED – Doc­tors for Child­ren in Need was foun­ded in 2010 in Soest, West­pha­lia. The aim of the orga­ni­sa­ti­on, as set out in its sta­tu­tes, is to pro­vi­de medi­cal and huma­ni­ta­ri­an aid to child­ren in cri­sis are­as around the world. This pri­ma­ri­ly includes the fol­lo­wing mea­su­res:


the second­ment of high­ly qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists in the various disci­pli­nes for the sur­gi­cal and con­ser­va­ti­ve tre­at­ment of child­ren


the con­ti­nuous trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on of local spe­cia­lists


die Unter­stüt­zung und der Auf­bau von Neu­ge­bo­re­nen­ver­sor­gung und Geburts­hil­fe durch Tea­ching und tech­ni­sche Aus­stat­tung


sup­port­ing and deve­lo­ping neo­na­tal care and obste­trics through tea­ching and tech­ni­cal equip­ment


demand-ori­en­ted deli­very of reli­ef sup­pli­es to war and cri­sis zones

Around 250 doc­tors, nur­ses, mid­wi­ves, the­ra­pists , craft­smen and tech­ni­ci­ans tra­vel to the pro­ject count­ries once or twice a year in their free time to car­ry out the­se mea­su­res. Working tog­e­ther with medi­cal and tech­ni­cal per­son­nel is an important part of our work to ensu­re the effec­ti­ve­ness and sus­taina­bi­li­ty of our pro­jects.

Prio­ri­ty coun­try Eri­trea

The prio­ri­ty coun­try of ARCHEMED is Eri­trea: in the capi­tal Asma­ra and three other loca­ti­ons in the coun­try, the asso­cia­ti­on sup­ports almost 20 dif­fe­rent medi­cal and tech­ni­cal pro­jects. Our main con­cern is the so-cal­led peri­na­to­lo­gy, i.e. the health care of pregnant women short­ly befo­re and after the birth with the sub­se­quent care of the new­born or pre­ma­tu­re infants. Our goal is to fur­ther redu­ce the mor­ta­li­ty rate of mothers and child­ren. We run a modern ope­ra­ti­on cent­re for child­ren in Asma­ra (Inter­na­tio­nal Ope­ra­ti­on Cen­ter for Child­ren in Asma­ra IOC­CA), whe­re 500–600 ope­ra­ti­ons are per­for­med on child­ren every year, inclu­ding more than 100 heart ope­ra­ti­ons.

Kinder im Schwerpunktland Eritrea

Other pro­ject count­ries: Alba­nia, Tan­z­a­nia, Bhu­tan

In 2021, ARCHEMED deci­ded to beco­me invol­ved in other pro­ject count­ries as well. By spre­a­ding our pro­jects across seve­ral count­ries, we mini­mi­se the risk of cur­rent pro­blems in one coun­try jeo­par­di­sing the over­all work. By diver­si­fy­ing our mea­su­res, we avo­id depen­den­ci­es and remain capa­ble of acting.
In Tan­z­a­nia, child­ren with seve­re burns, ortho­pae­dic defor­mi­ties and gene­ral sur­gi­cal con­di­ti­ons are trea­ted in Tosa­ma­gan­ga (Iringa Dis­trict) and now have the chan­ce of a nor­mal life again.
In Alba­nia, we have initia­ted a new neo­na­to­lo­gy pro­ject that ensu­res the care of expec­tant mothers and their pre­ma­tu­re and new­born babies, even in the country’s peri­phery.
In Bhu­tan, ARCHEMED has also laun­ched a pro­ject to impro­ve neo­na­tal and new­born care in 2024 after seve­ral years of pre­pa­ra­ti­on. We are also pre­pa­ring a pro­ject to train local spe­cia­list staff in paed­ia­tric sur­gery, which is expec­ted to start in 2025.

Deli­veries of reli­ef sup­pli­es

Sin­ce 2021, deli­veries of reli­ef sup­pli­es to Afgha­ni­stan and, sin­ce 2022, to Ukrai­ne have been a cen­tral part of our huma­ni­ta­ri­an work. With regu­lar ship­ments of medi­ci­nes, con­su­ma­bles and medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy, we pro­vi­de indis­pensable sup­port for peo­p­le in war and cri­sis zones – even when we our­sel­ves can­not be on the ground. The key to suc­cess lies in clo­se con­sul­ta­ti­on with local pro­ject part­ners, who keep us infor­med of cur­rent needs in the cri­sis coun­try and ensu­re that our cus­to­mi­sed aid packa­ge rea­ches tho­se who urgen­tly requi­re it.