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Ambassa­dor Sen­ta Ber­ger

Sen­ta Ber­ger is not only an out­stan­ding actress. She is also pas­sio­na­te­ly com­mit­ted to huma­ni­ta­ri­an pro­jects and has been an ambassa­dor for ARCHEMED sin­ce 2013.

‘It’s just gre­at what you’­re doing here.’

The­se were the words of Sen­ta Ber­ger when she got to know the work of ARCHEMED at the end of 2011 on the occa­si­on of the ‘Ein Herz für Kin­der’ fund­rai­sing gala and appeared in front of a lar­ge tele­vi­si­on audi­ence as a lau­da­to­ry spea­k­er for our asso­cia­ti­on chair­man Dr Peter Schwid­tal. Peter Schwid­tal tal­ked about the organisation’s pro­jects and tasks and invi­ted the actress to get to know Eri­trea per­so­nal­ly. In March 2013, Sen­ta Ber­ger tra­vel­led to Eri­trea for the first time tog­e­ther with the ARCHEMED team. With gre­at warmth and no fear of cont­act, she made cont­act with the child­ren on site and took an inte­rest in their fate:

‘I saw litt­le child­ren who would have no chan­ce of sur­vi­val wit­hout the work of many doc­tors, nur­ses, carers, tech­ni­ci­ans and hel­pers. The gra­teful mothers who ten­der­ly care for their child­ren in the hos­pi­tal wards. I have heard about hea­vi­ly pregnant women who have to walk for days to get help, I have seen women who try to reach the paed­ia­tric ward with their pre­ma­tu­re babies — some of them only the size of a hand — so that the doc­tors can keep their pre­ma­tu­re babies ali­ve. That made a deep impres­si­on on me.’

Sin­ce then, Sen­ta Ber­ger has been pas­sio­na­te­ly com­mit­ted to ARCHEMED’s pro­jects and has per­so­nal­ly accom­pa­nied many of our mis­si­on trips. At the end of 2022, Sen­ta Ber­ger tra­vel­led with us to Eri­trea to visit the cli­nic for burn vic­tims, which was in need of reno­va­ti­on, and to attend the ope­ning of the lar­ge mother and child cli­nic in Keren. She is always deep­ly moved by the situa­ti­on on the ground and by the com­mit­ment of each indi­vi­du­al.

‘The­re are many peo­p­le here with heart, per­se­ver­ance, com­pas­si­on and cou­ra­ge. I was able to see how cohe­si­ve the ARCHEMED teams are, wit­hout hier­ar­chies or ranks, how good the mood is and the­r­e­fo­re also the working atmo­sphe­re. Ever­yo­ne wants to help the peo­p­le in one of the poo­rest count­ries in the world.

Of cour­se, I must not for­get the local hel­pers: young doc­tors and hos­pi­tal staff who learn from ARCHEMED employees so that they can help bet­ter in the future and work inde­pendent­ly. ARCHEMED has set its­elf a gre­at task and I would like to sup­port this meaningful and important work as an ambassa­dor.’