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Vision von Archemed Glückliche Kinder


Our visi­on is to enable child­ren in the world’s cri­sis regi­ons to have access to good medi­cal care. We con­tri­bu­te to the deve­lo­p­ment of a medi­cal infra­struc­tu­re in the pro­ject count­ries we have sel­ec­ted. In doing so, we invo­ke Artic­le 24 (‘Health Care’) of the UN Con­ven­ti­on on the Rights of the Child, in par­ti­cu­lar:


The right of a child to the enjoy­ment of the hig­hest attainable stan­dard of health and to the faci­li­ties for the tre­at­ment and reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on of ill­ness and disa­bi­li­ty


the reduc­tion of infant and child mor­ta­li­ty


the expan­si­on of basic health care


the use and pro­vi­si­on of acces­si­ble tech­no­lo­gy as part of the uni­ver­sal ser­vice


Tea­ching basic know­ledge about children’s health, nut­ri­ti­on and hygie­ne