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The reno­va­ti­on of the lar­ge cli­nic for burns pati­ents in Asma­ra is very clo­se to our hearts and has made good pro­gress thanks to the efforts of the ele­ven-strong con­s­truc­tion team led by gra­dua­te engi­neer Timm Mit­zen­heim. A defec­ti­ve roof had cau­sed mould to form throug­hout the buil­ding, espe­ci­al­ly in the ope­ra­ting theat­re. In an envi­ron­ment that has to meet the hig­hest ste­ri­li­ty requi­re­ments, mould can lead to the spread of dan­ge­rous germs and signi­fi­cant­ly increase the risk of infec­tion for pati­ents.

After the defec­ti­ve roof had alre­a­dy been sea­led at the begin­ning of the year, the ARCHEMED craft­smen now car­ri­ed out the pro­fes­sio­nal repair of the enti­re ope­ra­ting theat­re wing. The con­ta­mi­na­ted walls were san­ded down and coa­ted with a spe­cial paint to pre­vent mould from forming again in the long term. New cei­ling panels were instal­led in par­ti­cu­lar­ly affec­ted are­as. The flo­or has also been given a new sur­face that is par­ti­cu­lar­ly hygie­nic, resistant and dura­ble. The ope­ra­ting theat­re is now func­tion­al and rea­dy for use again.

The PV sys­tem on the roof of the cli­nic, which has now been reinstal­led and recon­nec­ted, sup­pli­es the ope­ra­ting theat­re with elec­tri­ci­ty so that sur­gi­cal pro­ce­du­res can be car­ri­ed out con­ti­nuous­ly wit­hout the con­stant loss of mains elec­tri­ci­ty.

Work then con­tin­ued in the neigh­bou­ring ward block. Here, too, the roof panels had to be repla­ced becau­se mois­tu­re had pene­tra­ted. The cei­lings and walls will be reno­va­ted and all the sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties will be refur­bis­hed in the coming year.

The reno­va­ti­on of the lar­ge cli­nic for burn vic­tims in Asma­ra is very clo­se to our hearts and has made good pro­gress thanks to the efforts of the ele­ven-strong con­s­truc­tion team led by gra­dua­te engi­neer Timm Mit­zen­heim. A defec­ti­ve roof had cau­sed mould to form throug­hout the buil­ding, espe­ci­al­ly in the ope­ra­ting theat­re. In an envi­ron­ment that has to meet the hig­hest ste­ri­li­ty requi­re­ments, mould can lead to the spread of dan­ge­rous germs and signi­fi­cant­ly increase the risk of infec­tion for pati­ents.

After the defec­ti­ve roof had alre­a­dy been sea­led at the begin­ning of the year, the ARCHEMED craft­smen now car­ri­ed out the pro­fes­sio­nal repair of the enti­re ope­ra­ting theat­re wing. The con­ta­mi­na­ted walls were san­ded down and coa­ted with a spe­cial paint to pre­vent mould from forming again in the long term. New cei­ling panels were instal­led in par­ti­cu­lar­ly affec­ted are­as. The flo­or has also been given a new sur­face that is par­ti­cu­lar­ly hygie­nic, resistant and dura­ble. The ope­ra­ting theat­re is now func­tion­al and rea­dy for use again.

The PV sys­tem on the roof of the cli­nic, which has now been reinstal­led and recon­nec­ted, sup­pli­es the ope­ra­ting theat­re with elec­tri­ci­ty so that sur­gi­cal pro­ce­du­res can be car­ri­ed out con­ti­nuous­ly wit­hout the con­stant loss of city power.

Work then con­tin­ued in the neigh­bou­ring ward block. Here, too, the roof panels had to be repla­ced becau­se mois­tu­re had pene­tra­ted. The cei­lings and walls will be reno­va­ted and all the sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties will be refur­bis­hed in the coming year.