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Paed­ia­tric heart sur­gery

Paed­ia­tric heart sur­gery

Our inter­na­tio­nal ope­ra­ti­on cent­re for child­ren, the IOC­CA, has exis­ted in the capi­tal Asma­ra sin­ce 2002. It was con­cei­ved by Dr Andre­as Urban, the for­mer direc­tor of the Ger­man Children’s Heart Cent­re in Sankt Augus­tin.

Paed­ia­tric neu­ro­sur­gery

Paed­ia­tric neu­ro­sur­gery deals with all dise­a­ses of the cen­tral and peri­phe­ral ner­vous sys­tem in child­ren. The paed­ia­tric neu­ro­sur­gi­cal team is on call in Asma­ra once or twice a year.

Paed­ia­tric ortho­pae­dics

Paed­ia­tric ortho­pae­dics

The POCA (Paed­ia­tric Ortho­pae­dic Cent­re of Asma­ra) is to be set up at the Orot­ta Hos­pi­tal in Asma­ra: a place for child­ren with disa­bi­li­ties of all kinds to go for help. In par­ti­cu­lar, child­ren with phy­si­cal and men­tal disa­bi­li­ties are to be admit­ted the­re in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the social paed­ia­trics pro­ject.

Paed­ia­tric gene­ral sur­gery

Paed­ia­tric gene­ral sur­gery

Wit­hout the help of inter­na­tio­nal teams, the­re would be no spe­cia­li­sed paed­ia­tric sur­gi­cal care in Eri­trea. That is why three paed­ia­tric sur­gi­cal teams from ARCHEMED tra­vel to Asma­ra at regu­lar inter­vals to clo­se this gap in care.

Paed­ia­tric uro­lo­gy

Paed­ia­tric uro­lo­gy

During our mis­si­ons, we use scree­nings to deter­mi­ne whe­ther child­ren should recei­ve con­ser­va­ti­ve or sur­gi­cal tre­at­ment. Abo­ve all, we per­form pro­ce­du­res that were pre­vious­ly unavailable due to a lack of spe­cia­li­sed doc­tors.