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Neo­na­to­lo­gist Anto­nia Bartetzko’s assign­ment, which mark­ed the offi­ci­al start of the GZI pro­gram­me ‘Hos­pi­tal Part­ner­ships’ bet­ween Cha­ri­té Ber­lin and the Refer­ral Hos­pi­tal in Thim­phu, Bhu­tan, las­ted a total of six weeks. During her intern­ship, she accom­pa­nies her medi­cal col­le­ague — he is the only neo­na­tal phy­si­ci­an in the coun­try! — in the paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care unit. She takes part in the mor­ning rounds and dis­cus­ses dise­a­se detec­tion and tre­at­ment of cri­ti­cal­ly ill babies with her spe­cia­list col­le­agues. The Ber­lin doc­tor offers num­e­rous trai­ning cour­ses on various topics, in which other assistant doc­tors regu­lar­ly take part to report on their ever­y­day work and pre­sent spe­cial cases. The nur­sing staff on the wards are also invol­ved in the trai­ning pro­gram­mes in order to impro­ve the medi­cal stan­dard of care for pre­ma­tu­re babies and new­borns.

A major pro­blem in Bhu­tan is the lack of fol­low-up care for pati­ents in the pro­vin­ce, as the­re is a lack of both infra­struc­tu­re and out­pa­ti­ent doc­tors in the coun­try. The­re are curr­ent­ly only 18 trai­ned paed­ia­tri­ci­ans in the enti­re coun­try.