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The ward for pre­ma­tu­re babies and sick new­borns in Asma­ra has exis­ted sin­ce 2002 and has been super­vi­sed and sup­port­ed by two ARCHEMED teams seve­ral times a year sin­ce the orga­ni­sa­ti­on was foun­ded in 2010.

After the safest pos­si­ble birth, cli­ni­cal neo­na­to­lo­gy plays an important role in deve­lo­ping count­ries. This is becau­se a lar­ge num­ber of deaths can be pre­ven­ted by simp­le mea­su­res such as clean water and dis­in­fec­tants as well as edu­ca­ti­on about breast­fee­ding and skin cont­act imme­dia­te­ly after birth. The aim of the Ger­man and Swiss teams, con­sis­ting of paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care nur­ses and neo­na­to­lo­gists, is to pro­vi­de fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning for their Eri­tre­an col­le­agues in order to impro­ve the infants’ chan­ces of sur­vi­val. This has also been mea­sur­a­b­ly suc­cessful sin­ce the ward has been regu­lar­ly sup­port­ed by ARCHEMED teams. In addi­ti­on to being equip­ped with modern medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy that is easy to use under the given con­di­ti­ons, the teams are trai­ned direct­ly on the pati­ent to ensu­re com­pe­tence and safe­ty in deal­ing with the youn­gest pati­ents.

Up to 1,800 child­ren are now trea­ted on the neo­na­to­lo­gy ward in Asma­ra every year. The trend of incre­asing admis­si­on num­bers, which has been reco­g­nisable for years, is still con­ti­nuing.

Archemed Neonatology Asmara Ward

In autumn 2023, we dis­co­ver­ed a lar­ge ter­mi­te infe­sta­ti­on in the par­ti­ti­on walls of the infant rooms during reno­va­ti­on work. We now have to com­ple­te­ly gut the ward, remo­ve all the pests and refur­bish the walls. The babies will initi­al­ly be moved to the neigh­bou­ring IOC­CA sur­gi­cal cent­re. The­re, they will recei­ve ade­qua­te care so that the­re is no gap in the spe­cia­li­sed care and tre­at­ment of the small pati­ents. Num­e­rous ARCHEMED craft­smen will work tog­e­ther with their Eri­tre­an col­le­agues to reno­va­te the inte­ri­or from Decem­ber 2024. Pre­cise coor­di­na­ti­on and bin­ding agree­ments bet­ween the indi­vi­du­al trades will be requi­red to ensu­re that the pro­ject runs smooth­ly and that the ope­ra­ting theat­re at the IOC­CA can resu­me ope­ra­ti­ons quick­ly.

The refur­bis­hed neo­na­to­lo­gy ward will then be equip­ped with new hea­ted beds and modern medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy.

Pro­ject manage­ment

Team Rem­scheid:
Sil­ke Schei­der-Börsch, paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care nur­se, Rem­scheid

Zurich/Tübingen team:
Moni­ka Bach, paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care nur­se, Zurich
Bea­te Schnei­der, paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care nur­se, Tübin­gen

Ope­ra­ti­on reports