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In 2006, a new cli­nic was built in the pro­vin­cial town of Men­de­fera, which has a catch­ment area of around 1 mil­li­on inha­bi­tants, finan­ced by the World Bank. At the start of the pro­ject, the­re was no pos­si­bi­li­ty of inten­si­ve medi­cal care for sick new­borns and pre­ma­tu­re babies, or for older child­ren. The mor­ta­li­ty rate was cor­re­spon­din­gly very high. As a result, only 30% of births take place in the cli­nic, with most women giving birth at home.

Sin­ce 2011, Olden­burg doc­tors, nur­ses, mid­wi­ves and other hel­pers have been tra­vel­ling to Men­de­fera twice a year to work with the Eri­tre­ans to set up a neo­na­tal inten­si­ve care unit (NICU) and a simp­le paed­ia­tric inten­si­ve care unit (PICU) step by step. At the same time, the exis­ting obste­trics depart­ment is being sup­port­ed.

Archemed Mendefera Hospital
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In many mis­si­ons, ARCHEMED has set up three inten­si­ve care pati­ent rooms, a sto­rage room and two deli­very rooms and equip­ped them with medi­cal sup­pli­es, as well as signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ving the sup­p­ly of elec­tri­ci­ty and water. Howe­ver, the focus of the mis­si­ons is on trai­ning doc­tors, nur­ses and mid­wi­ves. In neo­na­to­lo­gy and paed­ia­trics, important topics in our trai­ning include infu­si­on the­ra­py, heat the­ra­py, nut­ri­ti­on, hygie­ne, resus­ci­ta­ti­on of new­borns and con­ti­nuous moni­to­ring of child­ren. In obste­trics, the main topics are moni­to­ring of the mother and foe­tus, ear­ly detec­tion of abnor­ma­li­ties and patho­lo­gies, hygie­ne and impro­ving coope­ra­ti­on with the NICU. Ano­ther field of acti­vi­ty of the Olden­burg team is the trai­ning of staff in the regio­nal health cen­tres of the Debub regi­on.

Word has spread about the pos­si­bi­li­ty of recei­ving help at the cli­nic: more and more mothers and pati­ents from the enti­re regi­on and from neigh­bou­ring smal­ler cli­nics are coming to Men­de­fera. Mean­while, the NICU with about 300 pati­ents per year and the PICU with over 100 pati­ents per year are well uti­li­sed.

The ori­gi­nal pro­ject goal of signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ving the care of new­born and pre­ma­tu­re infants has been achie­ved for the time being. The lon­ger-term goal of the pro­ject is to crea­te a func­tio­ning peri­na­tal cent­re that is well recei­ved by the popu­la­ti­on, i.e. a care unit that com­bi­nes expert obste­trics and neo­na­tal medi­ci­ne under one roof (see Peri­na­tal Cent­re Keren). The pro­ject work in Men­de­fera will the­r­e­fo­re con­ti­nue with a focus on obste­trics. To this end, the pre­mi­ses, medi­cal equip­ment, staff trai­ning and coope­ra­ti­on with the NICU in the field of peri­na­to­lo­gy must be fur­ther impro­ved.

Pro­ject manage­ment

Neo­na­to­lo­gy: Mecht­hild Schul­ze Becking, neo­na­to­lo­gist, Olden­burg

Obste­trics: Prof. Dr. Oda von Rah­den, mid­wi­fery sci­en­tist, Olden­burg

Orga­ni­sa­ti­on: Ste­fan Brück­ner, Dipl.-Ing., Olden­burg

Ope­ra­ti­on reports